Terms and Conditions

By logging in to the enrollment site, you agree to view your available High-limit Long-term Disability (LTD) coverage electronically. Depending upon the nature of the plan design and your specific enrollment election, you may be required to submit an electronic signature to confirm your intent. The electronic signature you submit will confirm your enrollment election and provide approval for The Westport Group to administer your coverage accordingly once the enrollment has ended.

If the plan design does not require an affirmative action for enrollment and you don’t make any available adjustments to your benefit, The Westport Group will proceed with administration activities once the enrollment has ended regardless of whether or not you logged in to the site or reviewed your benefit online.

Should you prefer, an alternative method for viewing your available benefit can be provided. We ask that you contact Enrollment Support directly at service@westportgp.com or 1-781-380-1070.

The enrollment site and accompanying enrollment materials have been designed to highlight benefits under this plan and to provide general information. A more detailed description is provided in the Plan's policy document which is available upon request. Plan benefits are paid only if provided for in the legal plan document. If there is any inconsistency between supporting enrollment tools and the plan document, the plan documents govern final interpretation of any specific provisions and will control.

There may be changes to the plan in the future. The plan sponsor reserves the right to amend, modify, or terminate the plan, in whole or in part, at any time for any reason.

The Westport Group